You have just received your Nursing Home Administrator
License and have been offered your first opportunity to lead your own Facility.
Here a couple of pointers that will help you be a success!!
First and foremost……..get yourself a really good Director of
Nursing!! The right person in this vital position can and will make your new
opportunity much more rewarding!!! How does one go about getting an excellent
Director of Nurses…..if I knew the answer to that one, I would be able to
retire and live life as a millionaire!!!
Second….know the Regulations!! The Surveyors will certainly
know them (or at least they will know what regulations to cite). You will,
therefore, need to respond in the event your Facility receives a citation. Of
course, knowing the regulations up front should help in preparation for the survey.
In addition, by being familiar with the regulations you should be able to provide
a safer, more comfortable home for those in your care.
Third…..interact with the staff, residents and family
members in your community!! How important is this to your success as a Nursing
Home Administrator? Well, since you are now the team leader, I would say it is
extremely important!!!
This is the Resident’s home and you need to make them feel
comfortable in their own home!!! The Family members have entrusted your
facility with taking care of those they love. They need to feel comfortable and
confident that you consider their well-being to be first and foremost. The
Staff are the front line in both caring for the residents and in turn, caring
for the family members!!!
How does one go about interacting with staff, residents and
family members? Make your-self available to meet and chat with all concerned.
Make a sincere effort to involve the staff in the decision making process.
Listen to the concerns expressed by those in your care!! Maybe what you think
is a great idea or practice may not be as wonderful as you originally imagined.
Does this mean that you should not follow your own ideas and thoughts?
Absolutely not!!! But if you listen to those who have a contrary opinion, they
just might raise an issue or concern that you had not originally thought about.
Maybe if you alter your plans slightly, the result will be far greater.
Always remember, one
can accomplish more with the support and confidence of those you lead. A smile,
a hello and a thank you can go a long way to show others your leadership
And of course………never be afraid to admit that you did
something wrong and offer a most sincere apology!!!
Now go forth, smile and offer a friendly greeting to
everyone you come in contact with today!!!