St. Joseph’s College
Health Administration Blog Post
October 2019
Not About Me”
Delivering the desired
outcomes to stakeholder is one leader’s definition of effectiveness. While debriefing her 360-leadership
assessment and helping her identify a developmental area for the coming year she
described herself as driven, bold, likes to take risks and gets things done.
I asked if she had an
idea of what might be an area for her to develop as a leader in the coming year.
She commented, “This is not related to my effectiveness, but something I
struggle with is getting buy-in from my staff.” She elaborated, “sometimes
their questions and comments I’ve already thought through and know won’t work
so I move the conversation forward explaining what needs to be
accomplished. I sense a negative
response from them and lack of buy-in which slows us down.”
Curious about her
definition of effectiveness I asked if we could do an exercise called mapping a
polarity. Although you may never have mapped a polarity, you know intrinsically
what a polarity is. A polarity is a
duality that exists as contradictory interrelated elements that persist over
time. Alone each element is logical but
juxtaposed may seem irrational, like flexibility and control for
example. An either/or mindset used in
decision making creates a dilemma that makes us want to choose one over the
other to reach our goals. However, when the elements are interrelated any
choice between them is a false choice and will only be a temporary
solution. A natural tension exists in a
polarity and learning how to navigate and leverage the tension with a both/and
mindset ultimately leads to effectiveness.
Examples of leadership polarities include candor and diplomacy,
hold accountable and give freedom, self-assured and humble to
name a few.
The leader agreed to
mapping the polarity of task and relationships. We drew a diagram with four quadrants adding
plus signs to the top two quadrants and negative signs to the bottom two quadrants. On the left side of the horizontal line we
wrote task, on the right-side relationships. She identified the positive outcomes she has
experienced by focusing her energy on tasks. The list came easy for her. She reiterated her story of being an
effective leader because she delivers desired performance outcomes for
stakeholders, meets her organization’s goals and feels valued by her leaders.
Identifying the
positive outcomes when focusing on relationships required more contemplation. The
tone in her voice added a question mark with each thought; “there is more
collaboration and idea sharing? The work environment is healthier? People feel
valued for their contribution?” (pause) I asked whether she thought these
outcomes contribute to effective leadership.
Noticing her take a
deep breath, I sensed her sinking into her body connecting to a new awareness
as she shook her head yes. “We’re not
done yet though” I said. Now we need to look at what happens to the energy when
we over focus on one to the neglect of the other. What happens when we over focus on task to
the neglect of relationships? “I DON’T
GET BUY-IN!” (pause) There’s not an opportunity for my staff to develop and
they don’t feel valued. This can create
a negative work environment. (a longer pause)
“IT’S NOT ABOUT ME” she declared. This
was the new awareness she was connecting to within. She put her head in her
hands and again stated, “IT’S NOT ABOUT ME.”
A moment later and with an energetic tone in her voice she stated, “I’m
a leader; I need to help my staff grow, contribute, and also become leaders.” We took a moment to savor this awareness and
then completed the map.
What happens when we
over focus on relationships to the neglect of task? “I don’t deliver the outcomes the
stakeholders need and want from me.” “My supervisor may not see me as a
valuable contributor.” “The organization’s goals are not being met.” She expressed that these are her fears and
that is in part why she is so driven and gets things done. She continued, “But
what I’m experiencing right now is really the downside of an over focus on
tasks.” “If I’m really honest, my team
is stuck right now in not having buy-in and not feeling valued.” (another ah-ha
The infinity loop is
used in a Polarity Map to illustrate how energy oscillates between the elements
of a polarity. Creating action steps
helps ensure that when the energy dips into the downside of a polarity we have
a plan to leverage the positive outcomes of both elements and can move the
energy toward our greater purpose. This
leader decided her development plan for the coming year would include learning
to leverage task and relationships.
of Task and Relationship Polarity Map
from Dr. Barry Johnson Polarity Mapping)

This illustration of a Polarity
Map demonstrates the dynamic experience of leaning toward one element we value
most in an interrelated duality. Understanding how we lean has the potential to
reveal our biases. (1. Above) We work hard to achieve these positive outcomes
and mitigate the fears that exist if we don’t. (2.) Because of this, we miss
out on the values of the interrelated elements (3) and as this leader is
experiencing, eventually end up in the downside (fears and negative outcomes)
(4) of the element we over focus on.
In the process of
mapping the task and relationship polarity this leader demonstrated what Dr.
Robert Kegan, professor at Harvard University describes as a subject – object
move. He explains that when we are
subject to an idea, thought or belief, “It has us.” It drives our behaviors and decision making. In
this case, the leader was subject to the belief that effective leadership was
dependent on delivering performance outcomes which requires focusing on
tasks. When subject becomes object, “We
have it.” We can see it, reflect on it and discern our decisions from broader
awareness for this leader demonstrates the shift from subject to object and the
potential growth in one’s inner capacity to hold space that allows energy to
flow naturally between two opposing and contradictory elements that need each
other over time. Leadership
effectiveness is about delivering desired outcomes to stakeholders AND
it is about creating caring connections, providing mentoring, support and
Danine Casper, MHA
Instructor, HA511 Leadership in Health Administration
Certified in Polarity Mastery – Polarity
Leadership Coach – Transitions Coaching