Thursday, November 02, 2006

Program Advisory Committee

The Health Administration Program is in process of creating a Program Advisory Committee, with details as follows:


The purpose of the Health Administration Program Advisory Committee is to provide input and advice to the Program Director to ensure the continued excellence and success of the health administration programs at Saint Joseph’s College of Maine, Division of Graduate and Professional Studies.

The duties of the Health Administration Program Advisory Committee will include assisting the Program Director with:
  1. Program review and planning, including development of goals and objectives,
  2. Assessment of program and course offerings as related to those goals and objectives,
  3. Assessment of the needs of the community, region, state or industry as related to the program offerings,
  4. Formulating recommendations for the improvement of instruction and course delivery,
  5. Keeping the program abreast of significant trends and developments in health administration and related fields, including federal and state legislative and regulatory activity,
  6. Achieving or maintaining applicable accreditation or other regulatory/professional approvals of the programs,
  7. Maintaining a positive image of the health administration programs including development, implementation and assessment of marketing efforts,
  8. Articulation of the program offerings with employment opportunities, and
  9. Other duties as determined.


Appointments to the Health Administration Program Advisory Committee will be made by the Dean of the Division of Graduate and Professional Studies from recommendations by the Program Director. The size of the advisory committee will vary, but will include at least the following:

  1. The Program Director (ex officio)
  2. The Assistant Program Director (ex officio)
  3. The Chair of the Continuing Care Council (ex officio)
  4. One or more students currently enrolled in one of the health administration programs
  5. One or more graduates of one of the health administration programs
  6. One or more faculty members currently teaching in one of the programs
  7. Experts in professions relevant to program offerings (e.g., health administration, long-term care administration, radiologic science).

Members will be appointed in a manner to assure that all of the health administration programs (including undergraduate and graduate) are adequately represented. While an individual member may represent multiple categories (e.g., graduate, faculty, professional expert), efforts will be made to guarantee that there is at least one member representing each category of membership, and at no time will the committee membership be less than seven, including ex officio members.


The committee will meet as needed but no less than once per fiscal year. Meetings may be held on the Saint Joseph’s College campus, at other convenient locations, or may occur via telephone and/or online conference calls. Given the nature of the distance programs, it is anticipated that much of the committee’s activities will take place by means of online communications. All formal meetings whether on site or through electronic media, will have minutes recorded.

Committee Support

The Program Director and Assistant Program Director will provide administrative support for the committee, ensuring that records of attendance, agendas, minutes and other documents are maintained and that the committee has the resources needed to accomplish its duties.

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