The Health Administration (HA) programs at Saint Joseph's College of Maine (SJC) are delivered through distance education (online) and include undergraduate and graduate degrees, certificates and individual courses in the fields of health administration and long-term care administration. We use this blog to post regular updates and to solicit feedback from current and former students and faculty. You can find out more at our website at We welcome your comments.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
MHA Graduate, Virginia Lipke, Receives International Award
Contact Denise Graham, Vice President, Public Policy—(202) 454-2617
FORT THOMAS, KY—A St. Luke’s Hospital infection control practitioner whose successful efforts to initiate a program whereby inpatients receive influenza and/or pneumococcal vaccines has earned her the prestigious international title of “2007APIC Hero of Infection Prevention.”
Virginia “Ginny” Lipke, RN, BS, ACRN, CIC, Infection Control Practitioner for both St. Luke’s east and west hospitals, has been named December’s Hero by the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC), an 11,000 member international association headquartered in Washington, DC. The “Heroes” program recognizes those who have contributed significantly to the reduction of infection and who are impacting the health, safety and well-being of patients, healthcare workers and the public. Lipke, a Cincinnati resident, launched a personal campaign to implement a series of infection prevention programs, including a policy whereby hospitalized patients are approached by a nurse and asked if they would be interested in either a flu or pneumonia vaccine, or both. Prior to Lipke’s initiation of this program, no policy along these lines existed at St. Luke’s Hospital. Today, this is a standing order to both screen and administer vaccines if patients so choose, without need for a physician order, making The St. Luke’s hospitals the first among Cincinnati and/or northern Kentucky hospitals to implement this program.
As a result, between 96%-98% of qualified patients are being screened and vaccinated; a figure that was as low as 10% less than three years ago.
“Our goal is to have 100% of our patients asked if they want either vaccine, once it’s determined they’re eligible,” said Lipke.
In addition to this successful program, Lipke has also authored the oral care component of St. Luke’s ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) bundle program.
“This is a very important program,” said Lipke. “Bacteria from the mouth can drain into a patient’s system and easily set up a case of pneumonia. We added oral care for our patients every four hours to our bundle.”
The program resulted in no new cases of ventilator-associated pneumonias reported during a 19-month period, which has become a hospital record. For the past 34 months, none of the patients who have occupied the 29 combined Intensive Care Unit beds within St. Luke’s two hospitals have had a VAP.
“One of the keys to our success—besides oral care—is because we do in-services every six months and oral care has become standard for ICU patients,” said Lipke.
Lipke also created a policy for rapid HIV testing for mothers with no prenatal care, making St. Luke’s the first in the region to offer such testing. While the HIV rate is relatively low in northern Kentucky, Lipke said, “I felt it should still be offered as a tool for pregnant women with no prenatal history. “If we can get anti-viruals to women during labor, there’s a good chance the baby will be born negative from these diseases.”
She has also started an early sexually transmitted disease treatment program within the hospital’s Emergency Department, which includes free STD medication from the state and the Centers for Disease Control. This comes in response to increases in area cases of Chlamydia and Gonorrhea.
Lipke has been a registered nurse since 1994 and an Infection Control Professional since 1999. For many years prior, she was a licensed practical nurse.
She is among 12 other healthcare professionals to be honored this year through APIC’s highly-successful “Heroes of Infection Prevention” program, funded through a grant from Tyco Healthcare/Kendall, makers of DoverTM urological and AMDTM wound care products.
APIC’s mission is to improve health and patient safety by reducing risks of infection and other adverse outcomes. The Association’s more than 11,000 members have primary responsibility for infection prevention, control and hospital epidemiology in health care settings around the globe. APIC advances its mission through education, research, collaboration, practice guidance, public policy and credentialing. Visit APIC online at
Friday, October 19, 2007
MHA Student Authors Article
Betty is the administrator of the Bridgewater Center for Rehabilitation and Nursing, a 331-bed skilled nursing facility (Binghamton, NY). She was a director of nursing (DON) for 14 years and served for two years as President of the National Association of Directors of Nursing Administration in Long-Term Care (NADONA/LTC) and five years as its Legislative Coordinator to Washington, DC.
Our congratulations to Betty. Well-done.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Radiologic Science Program
BS Major Name Change:
Students enrolling in the BS/RS have already completed their clinical work, coming with either an Associate's Degree or certification in radiology. Thus, to more accurately reflect what the major provides, we will be changing the name to Radiological Science Administration.
New Associate's Degree:
We are in process of creating a new Associate of Science, Radiologic Science Administration Major (AS/RSA). It will offer students from hospital-based certificate programs an opportunity to acquire an Associate's Degree and move smoothly into the Bachelor's Degree.
General Studies Courses:
New requirements by the Joint Review Committee in Radiologic Technology (JRCRT) require that certificate programs provide at least twelve semester hours of general education courses (humanities, sciences, etc.). We are contacting all of the accredited certificate programs in the U.S. letting them know that we can provide those courses to their students online.
All of these changes will improve our service to the radiologic technology community and will give us a significant marketing boost. We'll keep you posted on the results.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Program Update
* Role Reversal
* Tell a Friend
* HA Blog
Role Reversal
On October 1st, John Pratt, Health Administration Program Director and Twila Weiszbrod, Assistant Program Director, will be exchanging roles. John has been the driving force behind our programs for many years. Twila fell in love with SJC when she was here as a student in 2000, returned as a faculty member in 2003 and became Assistant Program Director last year. John now sees an opportunity to focus his energy more on the long-term care arena and to have more flexibility with his time as he begins looking toward retirement sometime in the future. In this spirit John will become the Assistant Program Director/Long-Term Care Coordinator and Twila will assume the role of Program Director. While this is a big change, both of us are excited about it! With John still actively involved, you will not see major changes in the programs, but you will see continuity, continued quality and – given Twila’s creativity and energy – ongoing improvements.
Tell a Friend
We recently had an accreditation site visit. The only recommendation from our visitors is that we need to do more to get the word out about our excellent programs! We are hoping you can help us with that!! We have long known that our own students and alumni are our best ambassadors. If you know of anyone who would benefit from a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in health administration, a Bachelor’s degree in long-term care administration or radiologic science, or certificates and individual courses in these areas, please pass the following information on to them:
Saint Joseph’s College of Maine offers courses and degree programs in health administration, long-term care administration and radiologic science that combine the education you need to move your career forward with the flexibility to fit within your job and family commitments! The online format allows you to work on your courses at your own pace from anywhere in the world and the courses are grounded in real-world experience. Expand your career options!! Check out their web site at, or contact the College directly at
Other Suggestions
We value your opinions in these and other areas and would welcome any ideas or suggestions you have for making our HA programs the very best possible. Feel free to contact either of us by replying to this email.
John R. Pratt and Twila Weiszbrod
Health Administration Programs
Monday, September 17, 2007
Health Care Administration Program Advisory Committee
Keith has most recently been acting as the Interim VP Medical Staff Relations for Empire Health Services at Deaconess Medical Center in Spokane, WA. He previously held positions of COO Valley Hospital and Medical Center and VP of Physician Relations at Empire Health Services two hospitals. Keith developed a consulting firm in the fall of 2006 and continues to work with Perspectives Imaging, a firm that provides Mobile Imaging solutions for hospitals and physician groups, through his consulting firm. Prior to developing the consulting firm, he was the CEO at Samaritan Healthcare in Moses Lake, WA, for eleven and a half years.
Monday, September 10, 2007
NAB Accreditation Visit
The National Association of Boards of Examiners for Long-Term Care Administrators (NAB) is an organization made up of representatives of the individual state (and District of Columbia) nursing home administrator licensing boards. All states license nursing home administrators and a growing number also license assisted living administrators. NAB’s mission is “To enhance the effectiveness of state boards of long term care administrators in meeting their statutory and regulatory duties and responsibilities to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the public.”
One of the ways NAB fulfills its mission is by accrediting college and university long-term care administration programs to assure that those programs are preparing their graduates properly. SJC is the only currently-accredited program that is nontraditional in its delivery mode. NAB has only recently begun accrediting graduate programs. Our MHA will be the second graduate program accredited by NAB and SJC will be the first college to have both undergraduate and graduate programs accredited at the same time.
The SJC accreditation/reaccreditation will be formerly voted on at the NAB Mid-Year Meeting in November. However, the members of the site visit team were glowing in their praise of our programs and assured us we would have no problems getting approval at that time.
We would like to thank all who participated in the site visit andits preparation. One very valuable benefit of accreditation visits such as this is making us realize just how good we are, and that's to the credit of all of you.
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Advisory Committee Meeting
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Our Student Profile
Historically, the students in the GPS distance education courses have been largely female (75% - 80%) and HA students are not significantly different except that students enrolled in the LTCA programs show a slightly more balanced picture, probably due to specific licensure requirements.
Geographic Distribution:
Because of the distance learning form of course delivery, the students in the HA programs come from across the U. S. and from without the country. At one time or another, students have come from nearly every state.
Students in the both the LTCA and MHA programs are generally mid-career individuals. That is reflected in the age distribution of current students.
Age Range Undergrad. Grad.
24 - 34_____25%___ 13%
35 - 44_____30%___ 28%
45 - 54_____ 33%___37%
55 - 64_____ 12%___17%
65+ ________- _____2%
Unknown ____- _____3%
Both the average (mean) and median ages for the undergraduate HA students are 42, while those numbers are a bit higher for graduate MHA students, as would be expected, with the mean and median both at 46 years. There is no significant variation in age patterns for the different program options (courses, certificate or degree) or by gender.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
2006/2007 Graduates
We are proud to announce that of the 294 GPS students that graduated from SJC in the 2006/2007 school year, 134 (46%) were graduates of Health Administration Programs! We are very proud of these students!
In an effort to better understand who they are, we have summarized some program and demographic information below.
The 134 graduates were in the following programs:
BSHA (Bachelor of Science, Health Administration) 28 (22%)
BSHA with Long-Term Care Major 0
BSPA (Bachelor of Science, Professional Arts) 28 (22%)
BSRS (Bachelor of Science, Radiologic Science) 10 ( 7%)
MHA (Master, Health Administration) 68 (49%)
When looking at the geographic location of our students, 38 states are represented, plus Cypress and Northern Mariana Islands.
The number of students by region of the United States is as follows:
Eastern States 89 (66%)
Central States 27 (21%)
Mountain States 5 ( 4%)
Pacific States 10 ( 7%)
Other 3 ( 2%)
Once again, a huge CONGRATULATIONS and BEST WISHES to our Health Administration Program Graduates for 2006/2007!!!
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Congratulations Judy Tarr!

Miles President Accepts New Position
Damariscotta - Miles President and C.E.O. Judy Tarr has accepted a position as Chief Executive Officer of the 125-bed Central Vermont Medical Center in Barre, VT, Miles officials said.
A long-term employee and administrator at Miles, Tarr began her career there as an accountant in 1983 before quickly being promoted to the position of controller. In 1985 she began serving as the organization’s chief financial officer and went on to take the lead role as President of Miles Health Care in 1993.
“Much of what Miles is today is the direct result of Judy’s incredible leadership,” commented Miles Health Care Board of Trustees Chair Tom Finn. “Anyone who’s been around for the last 20 years knows how much Miles has grown, and the high level of quality the organization has achieved under her leadership.”
Along with new facilities such as the Women’s Center, and Chase Point Assisted Living, Tarr expanded Miles’ services by developing the Miles Medical Group, and secured its future with the MaineHealth affiliation in 1996. She was also instrumental in raising $6 million dollars towards a $10 million expansion and renovation to the Miles Hospital in 2002. “Her thumbprint is not only on every major improvement, it’s very much on the culture at Miles,” Finn said. “Throughout her tenure as president she encouraged an open, friendly environment with trustees, employees, and medical staff alike. One of the reasons our quality is so high is because people are free to speak their mind and have grown accustom to being heard,” he added.
“Miles is a wonderful organization - and what makes it so special are its people,” Tarr commented. We are fortunate to have a strong board, a highly skilled medical staff, hard-working and compassionate employees, and devoted volunteers. It has been a great run. We’ve faced many challenges and shared quite a few victories, but I believe it’s healthy for an organization to get new leadership from time to time. I will miss the Miles people dearly and wish them continued success and personal happiness. I’m confident Miles will continue being the best, because I know the people here, and they really are the best. I leave the organization in very good hands.” Tarr added.
Over the next few weeks, Miles trustees will begin a search process to find a new president. Tarr is expected to complete her work at Miles in August.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
SJC Program Director Named to National Board
He is a Fellow of ACHCA and a Life Fellow of the
In addition to administrative role in GPS, Pratt is a tenured Professor. He has been employed at
Thursday, April 19, 2007
HCA Graduate Publishes Regulatory Manual
Ms. MacLaughlin Frandsen is currently the Administrator of Bridgewater Center for Rehabilitation and Nursing in Binghamton NY, a 356 bed skilled nursing facility. She has served in several roles for the National Association of Directors of Nursing Administration/LTC, and began her career as a nursing home nurses aide. She will speak on June 27th 2007 at the Annual NADONA Convention held at Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas on the topic "A View from the Other Side: What the Administrator Needs to Know from a Director of Nursing."
Monday, March 26, 2007
Health Administration Program Advisory Committee
Members are appointed by the Dean of GPS and include one or more students currently enrolled in one of the health administration programs, one or more graduates of one of the health administration programs, one or more faculty members currently teaching in one of the programs, and experts in professions relevant to program offerings (e.g., health administration, long-term care administration, radiologic science). Members are appointed in a manner to assure that all of the health administration programs (including undergraduate and graduate) are adequately represented.
The current members are:
Stephen Garde, faculty with expertise in long-term care
Judy Tarr, faculty, graduate with expertise in hospitals
Anthony Forgione, expertise in long-term care
Barbara Foster, student in long-term care program
James Shedno, faculty with expertise in hospitals
Kimberly Metcalf, faculty with expertise in radiology
Richard Anderson, graduate with expertise in acute care
Randy Snyder, student with expertise in long-term care
John Lemire, faculty with expertise in human resource management
Janet Douglass, faculty with expertise in long-term care
Walter Markowitz, faculty with expertise in hospitals
John Pratt, Director and I are ex-officio members.
The duties of the Health Administration Program Advisory Committee include assisting the Program Director with:
1. Program review and planning, including development of goals and objectives,
2. Assessment of program and course offerings as related to those goals and objectives,
3. Assessment of the needs of the community, region, state or industry as related to the
program offerings,
4. Formulating recommendations for the improvement of instruction and course delivery,
5. Keeping the program abreast of significant trends and developments in health
administration and related fields, including federal and state legislative and regulatory
6. Achieving or maintaining applicable accreditation or other regulatory/professional
approvals of the programs,
7. Maintaining a positive image of the health administration programs including development,
implementation and assessment of marketing efforts,
8. Articulation of the program offerings with employment opportunities, and
9. Other duties as determined.
We will be meeting “virtually” or at a distance most of the time, but look forward to also meeting in person once a year or so. If you have any suggestions or ideas for improving our programs, please be sure to let us know, or respond to this blog with suggestions for topics that need attention!
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
New Agreement to Provide College Credits for CEU programs
This agreement is a first of its kind, and also involves the National Association of Boards of Examiners for Long-Term Care Administrators (NAB) who have granted CEU credit for the PMES programs and the American College of Health Care Administrators (ACHCA) who have endorsed the rograms in connection with its Professional Certification program.
Being part of this collaboration gives us national visibility and a tremendous marketing opportunity. For more information about the agreement or the PMES assisted living programs, go to
Monday, February 26, 2007
HA Faculty Author IT Article
Congratulations to Steve and Twila for once again showing off the expertise of our faculty.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Call for News
We would like to recognize you by collecting information about your activities and publishing it here in this blog.
A couple of examples include:
- Dr. Walter Markowitz, HA program instructor, presented a paper entitled The Demand Crisis for Hospital Nurses in the United States at the International Business and Economy Conference (IBEC 2007) in San Francisco, CA, on January 4-7, 2007. He was the lead author of the paper, based on his recent dissertation research.
- John Pratt, HA Program Director, was recently granted Life Status as a Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) based on his 33 years of service as a Fellow.
We would like to hear from you about your achievements. You can either submit your news as a comment on this posting or send it directly to
Thursday, January 11, 2007
New HA Summer Courses
Old Favorites:
- HA 343 Health Care Financial Management
- HA 545 Research Methods
- HA 214 Health Care Informatics
- LTC 310 Aging in America
- HA 315 Occupational Health
- HA 700 Strategic Management
New Since Last Year:
- HA 360 Introduction to Managed Care
- HA 511 Leadership in Health Administration
- HA 515 Health Services Administration
- HA 575 Ethical and Legal Perspectives
- HA 615 Strategic Human Resources Management
- HA 401/685 Special topics: Cultural Diversity in Health Care
We have tried to offer our HA students as much variety as possible. For more specific information about the summer programs, current students should contact their Academic Advisors. Others can go to the digital catalog at and click on "Summer Programs."