Wednesday, November 05, 2014


In celebration of National Radiologic Technology Week, Saint Joseph’s College would like to recognize all Registered Radiologic Technologists for the vital work that you perform. The week of November 2nd  is set aside to recognize and applaud the work of all Radiologic Technologists and to thank you for the role that you play in providing safe, quality exams and great patient care. Patient retention is the result of having qualified professionals, like you, who provide compassionate health care. This is critical in today’s health care environment.

In light of the recent Ebola virus outbreak, it is important that all healthcare providers be aware of how the Ebola virus is transmitted, self-protection, and proper waste disposal.  In response, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) provides important information for the safety of health care workers. Please visit In addition, all hospitals and health facilities have established policies and protocols with instructions for putting on, removing, and disposing of personal protective equipment. Safe handling of potentially contaminated materials, such as blood, sweat, emesis, feces, and other body secretions is crucial in containing the spread of this virus. Familiarize yourselves with them.

Another problem area that has arisen is how to dispose of the medical waste that is generated. The disposal of Ebola-associated waste is subject to state and local regulations. Please visit

Early recognition of the Ebola virus is critical for survival. Pay particular attention to the symptoms of your patients and fellow staff members. Be vigilant in wearing protective gear.
Stay safe and celebrate National Radiologic Technology Week!

Brenda M. Rice

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