Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Call for News

Our HA program instructors, students and graduates are among the leaders in the field of health administration. They are actively involved in professional associations, receive awards for their service, present at meetings and publish valuable articles and texts.

We would like to recognize you by collecting information about your activities and publishing it here in this blog.

A couple of examples include:
  • Dr. Walter Markowitz, HA program instructor, presented a paper entitled The Demand Crisis for Hospital Nurses in the United States at the International Business and Economy Conference (IBEC 2007) in San Francisco, CA, on January 4-7, 2007. He was the lead author of the paper, based on his recent dissertation research.
  • John Pratt, HA Program Director, was recently granted Life Status as a Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) based on his 33 years of service as a Fellow.

We would like to hear from you about your achievements. You can either submit your news as a comment on this posting or send it directly to

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